2016/2017 New Committee

At the AGM on Tuesday 1st Nov 2016 Mr Boon Tan was elected President BCWA. The full incoming committee was as follows: Executive CommitteeĀ for 2016/2017: President: Boon Tan (Buddhist Society of WA) Vice-President: U Thunla (Tisarana Buddhist Society) Treasurer: Chan Bunthan (Cambodian Buddhist Society WA) Hon. Secretary: Marlene Robins (Hayagriya Buddhist Society)

2015/2016 President’s Report

Dear BCWA Members, Committee and Representatives Buddhist Council of Western Australia Presidentā€™s Report 2015/6 The 2015/6 year has been full of challenges and opportunities. We have conscientiously engaged on a wide range of local, state and national levels on behalf of our members. The 2016 Inaugural United Nations Day of Vesak was successfully staged at […]