2016/17 President’s Report

Boon Tan

Dear BCWA Members, Committee and Representatives


Buddhist Council of Western Australia President’s Report 2016/17
The BCWA continues to work on behalf of the Buddhist community in Western Australia through many areas. We are becoming a more important link between ourselves and especially government and the services they provide, such as funding, visa and social cohesion issues.

It has been a very busy year and we the Buddhist Council of Western Australia wish to share with you the activities that we have been doing. The following are just some of the list.


  1. WA Museum Project

BCWA has been given the opportunity to produce videos related to Buddhism in Western Australia. We have been working with the WA Museum and been busy communicating with several Buddhist organisations, interviewing, producing videos of Buddhist ceremonies and other activities. This project is still progressing.

  1. Buddhist Services web page

The BCWA has created a web link (http://www.wa.buddhistcouncil.org.au/home/buddhist-services/) to enable the public to quickly access information for various matters related to:

  • Funeral services;
  • Palliative care support; and
  • Lay Buddhist teachers for Special Religious Education

This site has been very useful for organisations such as hospitals, aged care, religious organisations schools and the Buddhist community in general.

  1. Climate coalition joint statement

BCWA recognised that the climate change is happening and affecting everyone. We are one of more than 40 signatories endorsing the Climate Coalition Joint Statement. We have also attended the Renew WA gathering held at the Cottesloe Beach to send the message to the politicians.

  1. Equality Before the Law Bench Book by Chief Justice of WA

BCWA on behalf of the Buddhist community of WA has assisted the Chief Justice of WA to revise the Equality Before the Law Bench Book which was last published in 2009.

  1. BCWA is recognised by the government as peak body of Buddhist organisation in WA

As from May 2017 after the inaugural observation of Vesak at Federal Parliament House the Federation of Australian Buddhist Council (FABC) has been officially been recognised by the government as the peak body representing all Buddhists in Australia and the Australian Sangha Association (ASA) has been recognised as the peak body representing all Australian monks and nuns. By extension the state Buddhist councils are also thus recognised as peak bodies as the FABC is the umbrella organisation of the state councils.

  1. Resignation of the Dharmadatu Buddhist Order and Sangha (DBOS)

The BCWA has welcomed the resignation of DBOS following a Special Meeting between the BCWA and DBOS Consultant Dharma Director with two other representatives from DBOS. It is primarily due to the incompatibility of DBOS with BCWA constitution and its objectives.

  1. BCWA produced the Marriage Equality “Be kind” video message

Through the principles of kindness, compassion and wisdom, the BCWA supports marriage equality. In response to the Australians voting “FOR” or “AGAINST” marriage equality, the BCWA has produced a “Be kind” message through musical performance by talented volunteers from BCWA member organisations. The video can be found at the BCWA website and the youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_7DHWiOCGA).

  1. Protest against Rohingya crisis in Myanmar

The BCWA has attended the protest organised by the Muslim communities at the WA Parliament against the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. BCWA has presented a very strong and clear message that “Buddhism is against violence”.

This message is directed at all parties.

The event was recorded at posted at the youtube and BCWA Facebook and website http://www.wa.buddhistcouncil.org.au/

  1. Application for grant from the Office of Multicultural Interest for Vesak celebration

The BCWA has been invited by the Office of Multi Cultural Interest (OMI) to apply for a grant specifically for the Vesak Celebration. BCWA is working with member organisation to apply and make use of this grant opportunity.

  1. The BCWA has also supported other organisations activities through
  • attending the Buddha Light International Association WA Vesak ceremony at the Elizabeth Quay
  • attending the Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist Society Vesak ceremony at its temple
  • attending the Cambodian Buddhist Society New Year celebration at its temple
  • attending the SBS hosted Multifaith Network at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple
  • giving a speech about Buddhism at the Uniting Church at Mt Hawthorn
  • musical performance at the Harmony Day at Hyde Park organized by the Australian Asian Association
  • producing short clip videos of activities by Buddhist organisations in WA and promoting them through the youtube and BCWA facebook and website

Yours in the Dhamma

Boon Tan
