About Us
The BCWA was formed in 2005 to serve as a peak body to represent the Buddhist community at government level and national levels. The Buddhist Council of Western Australia is a member of the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils. We are made up of the three denominations of Buddhism ie. Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana.
We welcome new members:
To be a member you have to be a Buddhist organisation which is registered in WA. The annual membership fee is $175 and a copy of your organisation’s Constitution is required. When a duly filled Application Form is received, membership is conferred at a BCWA committee meeting by vote and in accordance with our Constitution. Non-voting membership as a “Friend of the BCWA” is also available.
BCWA Membership Applications Form – 2022
BCWA management committee 2024-2025
Executive Committee:
President: Natasha Tang (Buddha Light International of WA)
Vice-President: Kevin Dickson (Diamond Way Buddhist Centre)
Treasurer: Boon Tan (Buddhist Society of WA)
Hon. Secretary: Sandra Henville (Buddhist Society of WA)
Assistant Secretary: Kinley (Mahasandi Centre in Perth)
Committee members:
John Waite (Hayagriva Buddhist Centre)
FABC Representatives: Boon Tan and John Waite
Our location:
Room 2, Australia Asia Association Building
275 Stirling Street, East Perth, WA 6000
ABN Number: 49144061498
Email: secretary@buddhistcouncilwa.org.au
Aims and objectives:
- To serve as the representative organisation for Buddhist temples, groups and organisations in Western Australia.
- To liaise with local government and State and Commonwealth government departments and agencies on behalf of its members.
- To promote the interest of member organisations and the Buddhist religion.
- To assist in the resolution of disputes between member organisations, if mutually invited, by arranging for independent mediation.
- To foster a spirit of fellowship, co-operation, friendship and goodwill between all Buddhist groups in Western Australia.
- To facilitate the exchange of information and resources between members regarding their respective activities.
- To serve as a forum for the discussion of matters of common interest to members.
- To work for peace and harmony through inter-religious co-operation.
- To act in any way to promote the interests and ideals of Buddhism amongst the community at large.
- To encourage and promote the development of social welfare activities.
- To encourage the development and dissemination of resources on Buddhism in Western Australia.
- To encourage member organisations to conduct public talks, forums and seminars on Buddhism and other related subjects.
- To represent the views of the broader Buddhist community on matters of public interest and significance related to Buddhism.
This website is maintained by BCWA Secretary (secretary@buddhistcouncilwa.org.au)