About Us

The BCWA was formed in 2005 to serve as a peak body to represent the Buddhist community at government level and national levels. The Buddhist Council of Western Australia is a member of the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils. We are made up of the three denominations of Buddhism ie. Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana.

We welcome new members:

To be a member you have to be a Buddhist organisation which is registered in WA. The annual membership fee is $175 and a copy of your organisation’s Constitution is required. When a duly filled Application Form is received, membership is conferred at a BCWA committee meeting by vote and in accordance with our Constitution. Non-voting membership as a “Friend of the BCWA” is also available.

BCWA Membership Applications Form – 2022

BCWA management committee 2024-2025

Executive Committee:
President: Natasha Tang (Buddha Light International of WA)
Vice-President: Kevin Dickson (Diamond Way Buddhist Centre)
Treasurer: Boon Tan (Buddhist Society of WA)
Hon. Secretary: Sandra Henville (Buddhist Society of WA)
Assistant Secretary: Kinley (Mahasandi Centre in Perth)

Committee members:
John Waite (Hayagriva Buddhist Centre)



FABC Representatives: Boon Tan and John Waite

Our location:

Room 2, Australia Asia Association Building
275 Stirling Street, East Perth, WA 6000

ABN Number: 49144061498

Email: secretary@buddhistcouncilwa.org.au

Aims and objectives:

  1. To serve as the representative organisation for Buddhist temples, groups and organisations in Western Australia.
  2. To liaise with local government and State and Commonwealth government departments and agencies on behalf of its members.
  3. To promote the interest of member organisations and the Buddhist religion.
  4. To assist in the resolution of disputes between member organisations, if mutually invited, by arranging for independent mediation.
  5. To foster a spirit of fellowship, co-operation, friendship and goodwill between all Buddhist groups in Western Australia.
  6. To facilitate the exchange of information and resources between members regarding their respective activities.
  7. To serve as a forum for the discussion of matters of common interest to members.
  8. To work for peace and harmony through inter-religious co-operation.
  9. To act in any way to promote the interests and ideals of Buddhism amongst the community at large.
  10. To encourage and promote the development of social welfare activities.
  11. To encourage the development and dissemination of resources on Buddhism in Western Australia.
  12. To encourage member organisations to conduct public talks, forums and seminars on Buddhism and other related subjects.
  13. To represent the views of the broader Buddhist community on matters of public interest and significance related to Buddhism.



This website is maintained by BCWA Secretary (secretary@buddhistcouncilwa.org.au)
