Buddha Bar news story in The West newspaper

In response to the news article “Officials bar Buddha from restaurant name” published in The West today, the Buddhist Council of Western Australia’s statement is as follows: Thank you for contacting us on the “Buddha bar” news article you published in The West today.

Inquiry into Multiculturalism in Australia

In response to an invitation by the Joint Committee on Migration, the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (FABC) submitted the following Submission:

Buddhist Festival Month 2010 in Sydney

We congratulate Mr Brian White president of BCNSW and all of the team members behind Buddhist Festival Month which was launched on 1st May 2010 during the MITRA conference. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was represented by Mr Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary of Multicultural Affairs. More information about the month’s events can be obtained from http://www.buddhistfestivalmonth.org.au/

United Nations Day of Vesak 2010

Vesak is the most important day of the Buddhist calander and it is usually observed on the full moon day of May. Following an International Buddhist Conference held in Sri Lanka in November 1998, the UN General Assembly in 1999 decided to observe Buddhist’ Sacred Day at United Nations.

Australia Day Reception 2010

The Buddhist Council of Western Australia on behalf of the WA Buddhist community wishes one and all a Happy Oz Day oi oi oi! On the 21st of January the Buddhist community was represented at Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s Australia Day Reception which was held at the Perth Town Hall.

5th Regional Interfaith Dialogue Perth 2009

The event was hosted by the Australian government; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. During the Closing Reception held on 30 Oct 2009, BCWA President Dr Jake Mitra spoke with Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Stephen Smith MP about representation of the Buddhist community.