End-of-Rains-Retreat Ceremony at WA Buddhist Nunnery

The Dhammasara Nuns Monastery End of Rains Ceremony was held on Sunday 20th October , 2013 at their Gidgegannup premises.

Well over 500 people participated in this year’s end of the rains retreat ceremony. The Minister of Multicultural Interests Dr Mike Nahan was represented by Mr. Frank Alban MLA member for Swan Hills and Ms Donna Dulemba, Electorate officer for Swan Hills.

This year the ceremony was held at Dhammasara Stupa and Bodhi tree site with it’s fantastic bush views. There was ample space in its 500 acre grounds for the large gathering of supporters from various cultural backgrounds. After the ceremony and a magnificent communal lunch many people enjoyed bush walks through the monastery acerage. There was a magnificent display of wild flowers and the slightly overcast day whether provided ideal conditions.


We wish to thank Mr. Frank Alban and Ms Donna Dulemba for spending a long portion of their Sunday and to all the people who participated in this event, to all the people who bought food, flowers and many other requisites. A special thanks to the Thai ladies who organized the money tree which this year raised nearly $10,000. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu! (= thanks x 3)


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The nuns thanked the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to set up before the event and clean up after the event. All the Nuns at Dhammasara send blessings and are very grateful to all volunteers, supporters and attendees.

Dhammasara Nuns Monastery is Buddhist Society of Western Australia facility.