Dear Friends,

At Vesak Buddhists commemorate the birth of the Buddha-to-be, Siddhattha Gotama, his Enlightenment at the age of 35 when he became the Buddha and his final ‘passing’ into Nirvana at the age of 80, no more to be reborn. Buddhist scriptures relate that each of these three significant events occurred on a full moon of the Indian lunar month of Vesakha.

Vesak Week Programs as follows.From Monday 8th to Friday 12th of May 

  • Daily Buddha Puja and Dhamm Deshana at 7:00pm

Saturday 13th of May 2017

  • Vesak Ata Sil program

7:30 am Heel Dana
8:00 am Ata Sil samadan veema(Observe sil)
10:45 am Buddha Puja
11:00 am Sil Dana
4:30 pm Sil pavarana

  • At 4:45pm Atavisi buddha Puja – Offering Atapirikara and Medicine water 
Offering an ATAPIRIKARA is considered as one of the Ata Maha Kusal (Eight most efficacious merits).
Besides, Offering ATAPIRIKARA comes second in the Eight Most Efficacious or Noble Merits.
  • At 5:45pm Vesak Thorana (Pandol) opening ceremony
Please visit to witness the wonderful Vesak Thorana (Pandol) designed and erected by highly dedicated “Vesak Thorana Team”.
As a tradition Vesak Thorana delivers a message useful for all of us in our daily lives.
  • At 6:45pm Vesak Dansala (Free Foods) organised and offered by Dhamma School

Sunday, 14th of May 2017

  • At 4:00pm Buddha Puja and Dhamma Desana (Every Sunday program)
  • At 6:00pm Vesak Bakthi Geetha Gayana (Devotional songs singing) by Students and Parents of the Dhamma School
  • At 7:15pm Vesak Dansela (Free foods) organised and offered by Community members
All are welcome!
Kindly note that Front entrance to the Temple from Austin Avenue will be closed on Saturday 13th from 5:00 pm onwards and Sunday 14th of May from 6:00pm onwards.Once the temple car park overflows, please park at Davison Street.

Also, please adhere to volunteers and kindly do not park restricted areas, drive ways or sides of the roads.
Thank You! 

With Metta,