BCWA Burmese Cyclone Relief Food Fair

The food fair held at the Fremantle Esplanade last Sunday was an outstanding success! The weather was lovely and sunny which allowed thousands of people to pass through the food stalls and buy food with proceeds going to the victims of Cyclone Nargis. Despite the enormous efforts of all the stall holder volunteers who brought large volumes of food in order to last through to 4pm, sales of food coupons ceasedat 3pm because food was running out!
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Congratulations must go to all the volunteers, stall holders, performers and donors who supported the event. The event was universally considered by both volunteers, organisers and patrons to be a successful occasion which exceeded expectations.

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On Friday evening the organisers of the food fair and the new president of the BCWA Stewart Jervis presented a cheque to Save the Children to assist with their campaign to provide relief to victims of Cyclone Nargis.

A big thankyou must go to the hard working organising team of Norliah and Ari Ariyaratne, Grace Collins, Sai Tip, Tat Soon, Jake & Cecilia Mitra, Upali Gunasekera, Han Chuan, and Natasha Tang (most of whom are pcitured below).
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