Vesak celebration dates in 2022

Vesak is an important celebration among Buddhists in the major traditions. The following are the dates of celebration by some of the Buddhist organizations in Western Australia in 2022. 7 May: Buddha Light International Association of Western Australia (Online celebration) 14 and 15 May: Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist Society (78 Austin Avenue, Kenwick. No food […]

Buddha Birthday Celebration in Perth Sat 7 May 2022

Our New Logo

The Buddhist Council of WA inc is pleased to announce our new logo which is made up of a central depiction of the historical Buddha Gautama and is flanked by the Buddhist and WA State flags. The Buddha is seated on a lotus throne and the eight rays represent the Eightfold Noble Path which is […]

8th Symposium on Humanistic Buddhism​: Humanistic Buddhist Response to Modern Crises

The 8th International Symposium, to be held online at Nan Tien Institute (NTI) in Australia, is the first International Symposium on Humanistic Buddhism held outside of Taiwan, since its inception. Unlike traditional academic conferences, the intention of the symposium is to encourage interdisciplinary dialogues, stimulate creativity, and show how humanistic values can be applied within […]

Buddhist temple turns vaccination centre in Melbourne

Jumping back to Melbourne, cohealth has opened a pop-up vaccination clinic at the Quang Minh Buddhist temple in Braybrook, in the city’s west. It will operate from 10:30am to 4:30pm until October 8 and has the capacity to deliver about 500 vaccines per day. The temple’s abbot, Thich Phuoc Tan, said they wanted to get […]

The art of noble silence

By Annalise Hunt – taken from Examiner Newspapers 21 Sep 2021 An Australian Buddhist Monk, who was ordained and now resides at the Monastery in Kelmscott, will be going into silent retreat as part of his practises to try slow down thoughts and move into deeper meditation practices. Buddhist Monk Venerable Kassapa first became a […]