Last week, the Home Affairs Deputy Secretary (DS) of Social Cohesion and Citizenship, Andrew Kefford PSM visited Perth.
In this role, he is responsible for Australia’s Citizenship Program, and social cohesion and Australian values, and is concurrently appointed as the Commonwealth’s Counter-Terrorism Coordinator and Counter Foreign Interference Coordinator. Andrew Kefford PSM is also the Indigenous Champion for the department of Home Affairs.
While in Perth, he met with various faith leaders across WA (pictured below). Discussions centred on how to maximise social cohesion outcomes across community, and acknowledging the critical role that faith leaders play in leading and building resilience.
DS Andrew Kefford PSM also hosted an afternoon tea with various community representatives from across Western Australia. It was an opportunity to thank and acknowledge the important role community representatives undertake in advocating for positive social cohesion outcomes for their community and for their continued engagement with the Australian Government.
(The BCWA president is pictured second from the right)