Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation will be introduced to State Parliament next month and the Management Committee of the Buddhist Council of WA agrees in principle the proposed Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation. Information about this can be obtained by following this link of the Department of Health. The Committee supports the following statement made by […]

Vesak 2019 Message from Premier of WA

download PDF file: 20190524162742461

BCWA Statement on Equal Opportunity and Religious Freedoms and Rights

  Whilst religious freedom is a human right, this should not override other basic human rights of equality and compassion for all human beings. Religious freedom should not be an avenue to practice discrimination against the weak and vulnerable. In this respect, religious institutions should be bound by the same anti-discrimination laws including laws on […]

Special Mass and Vigil for Easter Attacks of Sri Lanka – Sat 27 Apr 2019


2017/18 President’s Report

Dear friends in Buddhism, The BCWA has been tirelessly working hard for the benefit of the Buddhist community in Western Australia. I want to acknowledge the support the committee members of the Buddhist Council of Western Australia (BCWA) have given to make this year a productive year again. It has been another busy year at […]

International Buddhist Conclave 2018

FABC was represented at the recent International Buddhist Conclave in India. President of BCWA Mr Boon Tan is one of the FABC delegation to the Indian Buddhist Conclave 2018.