2021-22 President’s Report (Marlene Robins)
Dear friends in Buddhism,
I want to acknowledge the support the committee and members of the Buddhist Council of Western Australia (BCWA) that have supported us. The BCWA has always been there to benefit of the Buddhist community in Western Australia.
We have been keeping the Friends of BCWA informed via our webpage, Facebook and Twiter of relevant information that may impact them.
Below are some of the activities that we have performed this year.
- BCWA as government primary contact in WA
Since BCWA has been recognised by the government as peak body of Buddhist organisation in WA, we have been important contact for the government in WA about matters related to Buddhism and the Buddhist community in WA.
- BCWA Facebook updates
We have been posting relevant Buddhist related information on regular basis in the social media and our webpage
- Supporting activities of the ASA
We have been supporting the Australian Sangha Association activities and disseminate important information to the community when available.
- Disseminate relevant information from the government
Dept of Homes Affair and Multicultural Interest have been disseminating their messages to the communities through organizations like BCWA.
- The BCWA has supported other organisations activities through attending
- the Buddha Light International Association WA Buddha Birthday ceremony
- Cambodian Buddhist Society New Year and Vesak celebration
- Sri Lankan Buddhist Society Vesak celebrations
- Government House for the Multicultural celebration thanking organisation for their assistance during the COVID pandemic attended by the Minister Dr Tony Buti MLA and the Governor, his Excellency Chris Dawson
- Supported and attended the BLIA VegRun 2022 on the 11th Info and photos on BCWA webpage (https://www.buddhistcouncilwa.org.au/bcwa-presidents-marlene-robins-speech-on-vegrun-2022/)
- Comment made on our webpage and Facebook in the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II (https://www.buddhistcouncilwa.org.au/sincere-condolences-to-the-family-of-queen-elizabeth-ii/)
- Congratulations were made personally and on our webpage and Facebook to the newly elected Member of Parliament for Tangney, Mr Sam Lim MP (https://www.buddhistcouncilwa.org.au/congratulations-to-sam-lim-for-representing-tangney-in-the-federal-parliament/)
- Meeting minutes to the active members of BCWA
The committee have organised for all minutes to be sent to members so as everyone knows what we are doing and how they can be involved, either by suggestions or assisting.
I also wish to remind you that the BCWA Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm on WEDNESDAY 19TH OCTOBER 2022 at the Australia Asia House, 275 Stirling St, Perth WA 6000.
All positions of executive committees and committees are open for nomination on the day. I encourage you to participate in the BCWA’s course for the Buddhist community in WA.
Yours in the Dhamma
Marlene Robins