Home Affairs Deputy Secretary (DS) of Social Cohesion and Citizenship, Andrew Kefford PSM visited Perth

Last week, the Home Affairs Deputy Secretary (DS) of Social Cohesion and Citizenship, Andrew Kefford PSM visited Perth.

In this role, he is responsible for Australia’s Citizenship Program, and social cohesion and Australian values, and is concurrently appointed as the Commonwealth’s Counter-Terrorism Coordinator and Counter Foreign Interference Coordinator. Andrew Kefford PSM is also the Indigenous Champion for the department of Home Affairs.

While in Perth, he met with various faith leaders across WA (pictured below). Discussions centred on how to maximise social cohesion outcomes across community, and acknowledging the critical role that faith leaders play in leading and building resilience.

DS Andrew Kefford PSM also hosted an afternoon tea with various community representatives from across Western Australia. It was an opportunity to thank and acknowledge the important role community representatives undertake in advocating for positive social cohesion outcomes for their community and for their continued engagement with the Australian Government.

(The BCWA president is pictured second from the right)

BLIAWA-Buddha Birthday 11&12 Feb 2023 at Supreme Court Garden in Perth

Buddha’s Light International Association of Western Australia Inc. (BLIAWA) was officially registered as a not-for-profit Buddhist organisation in Western Australia and a BLIA Chapter in January 1993. In 2003, BLIA accepted the honour in joining the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) with special consultative status in recognition of BLIA’s work in promoting health, education and sustainability worldwide. As we enter 2023, we are proud to celebrate BLIAWA 30th Anniversary during the Buddha’s Birthday & Multicultural Festival

This event has been supported by the Office of Multicultural Interests and City of Perth. BLIAWA welcomes you to witness the most auspicious day in the Buddhist calendar and to commemorate the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha’s day of birth. The theme for the festival is “Wisdom & Innovation, Environmental & Spiritual Preservation”. We have specially invited multi-faith leaders to offer a prayer for hope, unity in spirit and action, bringing about good health and world peace. Hence, your presence will be a significant contribution for sending this important message to all in the community.

Event will take place on the weekend (10:30am-8:30pm) 11 and (9am-5pm) 12 March 2023

Opening Ceremony: 6:00pm, 11 March 2023.
Venue: Supreme Court Gardens, Perth


The passing of Fo Guang Shan Founder Venerable Master Hsing-Yun

We are sad to share the news that a great Buddhist monk and leader of the Buddhist world has passed away at the age of 97.
Master Hsing-Yun is the founder of many temples across five continents including WA’s well known and iconic Fo Guang Shan temple in Maylands.
With palms together and with deep reverence we wish all Master’s many disciples around the world our sincere condolences.

Interview with John Waite

John Waite was one of the founder of the Buddhist Council of Western Australia (BCWA) which was formed around 2005. John was interviewed by Sol Hanna who was also one of the founder of BCWA. Both also participated in getting the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils off the ground around the same time.

The link to the Treasure Mountain Podcast provides some of John Waite’s background and history.


National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

Creating Child Safe Buddhist Organisations
Following the teachings of the Buddha against creating harm to others, the BCWA  is committed to ensuring the safety and well being of children and young people in our Buddhist communities. The BCWA urges its members and friends of BCWA to become child safe organisations that always put the best interests of children and young people first.

A child safe organisation does the following:

  • Creates an environment which prioritises children’s safety and wellbeing
  • Genuinely values and engages with children and young people.
  • Creates conditions that reduce possible harm to children and young people.
  • Creates conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying any harm.
  • Responds to any concerns, disclosures, allegations or suspicions of harm.

All Buddhist groups have legal obligations to ensure that religious workers have a working with children check and are aware of their responsibilities as mandatory reporters under state laws.

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations


The BCWA endorses the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. We strongly encourage all member and Friends of BCWA organisations to adopt Child Safety Policies and Codes of Conduct relevant to their state’s legislation and their particular needs.

The BCWA has provided the following tools and resources to help ensure children and young people are safe and protected whilst at our Buddhist centres.

The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations were developed in 2019 to provide a nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing. These principles reflect ten child safe standards recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, but also have a broader scope that goes beyond child sexual abuse to cover other forms of potential harm to children and young people.

The National Principles are:

  1. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
  2. Children and young people are informed about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
  3. Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
  4. Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.
  5. People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
  6. Processes to respond to complaints and concerns are child focused.
  7. Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
  8. Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
  9. Implementation of the national child safe principles is regularly reviewed and improved.
  10. Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.


Link: National Principles for Child Safe Organisations website

Oath Against Harm in the Practice of the Dharma

The BCWA Endorses the Oath Against Harm in the Practice of the Dharma

The Buddhist Council of Western Australia (BCWA) is committed to ensuring that our nation’s Buddhist organisations are free from harm and are safe places for all people. The BCWA stands against any form of abusive behaviour, including: physical, sexual, psychological and financial abuse.

The BCWA has joined hundreds of Buddhist individuals and organisations in Australia and around the world to endorse the Oath Against Harm in the Practice of the Dharma, a statement that affirms the importance of ethical behaviour in our spiritual communities, especially in the context of inappropriate teacher-student interactions.

The Oath was developed by the Alliance for Buddhist Ethics (ABE)  and sexual abuse survivors, encouraging Buddhists from all traditions to take a stand against abuse in our communities.


Oath Against Harm in the Practice of the Dharma

In the practice of the Dharma, I hold the student-teacher relationship to be a sacred connection which prioritises the spiritual development, maturation, and well-being of the student.
Similarly, I hold that Dharma organisations exist to provide safe environments which allow those who practice the Dharma to thrive in supportive communities, founded on aspirations of good-will for all, and supported by a strong ethical foundation of non-harming.
I acknowledge that any behaviour which would be categorised as  abusive—whether emotionally, physically, financially, psychologically or sexually—or which is exploitative, coercive, or an abuse of power, or which attempts to cover-up such behaviour, is harmful and unnecessary in the practice of the Dharma. It is unacceptable in all circumstances.
I am aware that harm has been caused by failures to meet these standards in the past, and I declare my commitment to maintaining them for the well-being and benefit of all. May this commitment help the Dharma to flourish, both now and in the future, and may it help to alleviate suffering and create a more compassionate world.

Find out more about the Oath Against Harm on the Alliance for Buddhist Ethics website.